Luis Sánchez
Tel: +56 2 2650 4300
Email: lsanchez@pkfchile.cl
Professional Experience
Luis graduated as an Accountant and Auditor from Duoc UC with a major in Tax Law. He obtained a highest distinction IFRS Diploma from Universidad Diego Portales and he holds Diploma in International Accounting Standards for the Public Sector NICSP - CGR from Universidad de Santiago de Chile. He has over 10 years of professional experience and he has also developed his career as Audit Manager at Deloitte.
Most of his professional activities have been related to the external audit fiel, gaining a valuable experience as a business advisor for different sectors. He has been involved in the audit of financial statements for various public and private companies. He has also collaborated in special works of Collahuasi-ICV for Open Book 2009 and 2010, Comercializadora de Trigo S.A. (Cotrisa) Internal Audit, Celfin Capital Due Dilligence and others.
As part of his professional development he has participated in several training courses at PKF Chile and PKF International; external seminars and standard updating courses.
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