Efraín Jesurum
Audit Supervisor
Tel: +56226504300
Email: pkfchile@pkfchile.cl
Professional Experience
Efraín is a Public Accountant from Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt (Caracas, Venezuela), holds a Postgraduate course in National Taxes E.N.A.H.P Escuela Nacional de Administración y Hacienda Pública (Caracas, Venezuela), a Diploma in Forensic Auditing from Universidad de Concepción, aDiploma in Risk Management and Compliance from Universidad de Concepción, an International Accounting Standards for the Public Sector NICSP – CGR Diploma from Universidad de Concepción, an IFRS Diploma from Universidad de Concepción.
Efraín has over 10 years of professional experience. Most of his professional activities have been related to the external audit field, where he has been able to gain valuable experience as a business advisor for companies in different lines of business.
He has been involved in the audit of financial statements of different private companies, and has also participated in special works, renewal of “Sello Propyme” Soser S.A. and other.
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